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TronixPro T22 Mutsu Circle light hooks

TronixPro T22 Mutsu Circle light hooks

Although described as a “light” hook, the high carbon steel used in this hook makes it incredibly strong too. It has an offset, chemically sharpened hook point which increases the hooking potential of the hook further, this has the advantage of increase the number of fish you successfully hook while also leaning on the nature of circle hooks to help eliminate deep hooked fish. Available in a wide variety of sizes with the smaller sizes ideal for species such as bream and flatfish, and the larger sizes for smoothhounds, rays and bass.

  • Made from forged high carbon steel for an incredibly strong hook.
  • Chemically sharpened hook point for maximum penetration.
  • Offset hook point for increased hooking potential.
  • Circle hook design for easy hook removal and fish protection.
  • Available in a wide variety of sizes with the smaller sizes ideal for species such as bream and flatfish, and the larger sizes for smoothhounds, rays and bass.
Hook Size: