Home / Spinning / Tools & Accessories Tools & Accessories Filters Make Berkley Fox Rage Kinetic Mustad Rapala Savage Gear Westin Product Type Cutters Deadbait Accessories Line Strippers Miscellaneous Pliers & Forceps Scissors Sharpening Tools Clear filters Sort By Most popularWhat's newPrice low to highPrice high to lowName A to ZName Z to A 23 Products Filter Sort Berkley Line Stripper £15.99 Fox Rage Belt Pliers £24.99 £27.99 Fox Rage Crimping Pliers £13.99 Fox Rage Forceps £13.99 Fox Rage Long Nose Pliers £13.99 Fox Rage Pistol Pliers From:£10.99 Fox Rage Power Grip Pliers £16.99 Fox Rage Predator Deadbait Oil and Air Kit £5.99 Fox Rage Side Cutters £16.99 Fox Rage Split Ring Pliers £10.99 Fox Rage Tool Wraps From:£29.99 £59.99 Hook Attachment £4.99 £9.99 Kinetic CS Plier 8.5 Inch £12.99 Kinetic Measuring Tape £2.99 Mustad Mini Split Ring Pliers £12.99 Penn 8" Bull Nose Pliers £14.99 £29.99 Pike Pro XL Forceps £9.99 Rapala Hook Sharpener £7.19 Savage Gear Crimp and Cut Pliers £10.99 Westin Diamond Hook Sharpener £9.99 Westin HD Split Ring Pliers From:£17.99 Westin Line Scissors £8.99 Westin Stainless Steel Forceps From:£12.79