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Rio Modern Spey Casting DVD

Stock Status: Sold Out

The most comprehensive film on spey casting techniques ever made. This triple disc DVD from RIO stars a notable team of experts: George Cook, Simon Gawesworth, Mike McCune, Scott O’Donnell, Dana Sturn and Ed Ward. 

Learn from these masters the classic Single Spey, Double Spey, Switch cast and Roll cast, but also the modern spey casts such as the Snake Roll, Circle Spey, Snap T, Snap Z,Wombat cast, Underhand cast, Spiral Spey, Spiral Double Spey, Jelly Roll, Perry Poke and Skagit casting. 

This film also teaches the viewer the most common faults to recognize and avoid, and has superb bio-kinetic footage so you can study the hand, arm and body movement of each cast. With clear, concise instruction from the very basics of spey casting to top tips for advanced casters, as well as sinking line methods, single handed techniques and saltwater spey casting—this complete DVD covers everything one needs to know about spey casting.


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