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Airflo Superflo Mini Tip Fly Line-Half Price

Airflo Superflo Mini Tip Fly Line

Superflo Mini Tips are the most comprehensive range of sink tips the market has ever seen and a range of fly lines we were constantly being asked to produce. Sub surface and washing line techniques demand the ultimate in line control, so with this in mind we have created a complete
series of lines to cover all techniques....and with the superior casting attributes you have come to expect from all Superflo fly lines.

3ft Fast Tip & 3ft Anchor Tip
Fast tip sink rate: 1.5ips Anchor tip sink rate: 7ips
The ultimate buzzer fly line, the 3ft fast intermediate tip will sink down
vertically allowing you to imitate the natural ascending and descending
motion of the midge pupa. If the wind picks up and you need to maintain
a deep and static presentation then the Anchor tip incorporates a fast
sink section at the very front of the tip of the line, this also improves the
deadly vertical lift at the end of each retrieve.

6ft Slow Tip & 12ft Slow Tip
Tip sink rate: 0.5ips
The two most popular lines in the range. Both our Slow Tips are tailored to fishing the
washing line technique when the fish are cruising in the first foot or two of the surface.
With a sink rate of just 0.5” these tip lines will help keep your flies just under the surface
without dropping out of the feeding zone.

6ft Fast Tip & 12ft Fast Tip
Tip sink rate: 1.5ips
When deeper nymphing is required then the Fast Tips allow you to search out layers and
find the fish. Mix it up with different angles of retrieve and hone in on what depth the fish
are feeding at and how they want it.

12ft Mid Tip
Tip sink rate: 1ips
A new addition to the Mini tip range with a gradual density increase from the floating belly
to the 1” per second tip. A truly versatile sink rate allowing you to present your flies static
and shallow or go deeper when required. A great all round sink tip fly line.

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